负责人的英文怎么说 您所在的位置:网站首页 负责人 英语翻译 负责人的英文怎么说


2023-08-18 09:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

负责人的英文: person in charge responsible person Responsible Officer principal


Head of the FBI 联邦调查局的负责人 She's the head of the firm's personnel department. 她是公司人事部门的负责人。 To propose the appointment or dismissal of the company's deputy manager(s) and financial officers 提请聘任或者解聘公司副经理、财务负责人 A census crew leader will then reassign the case to a person who speaks that language. 人口普查工作组的负责人将会重新安排一个能讲这种语言的调查员来完成工作。 "Animals with human characteristics are an unbeatable combination," channel manager Dan Balaam said. 该频道负责人丹·巴兰说:“具有人类特性的动物是无敌组合。” The animal control officer in Rock Springs had volunteered to be Snoopy's first driver. 罗克斯普林斯动物管理部门的负责人志愿担任斯努皮的第一位驾驶员。 The list might include being head of a fundraising campaign, or acting a juicy role in the senior play 所有事项可以包括你曾当过筹集运动的负责人,或在学校高年级演剧时扮演过出色的角色。 The controller of BBC Radio 英国广播公司广播之声负责人 Who is your leader? 你们负责人是谁? The titular head of a company 名义上的公司负责人

person是什么意思: n. 人;身体;外表,容貌;人称

A wanton person. 淫荡的人 an outspoken person 直率的人 You are such a wicked person. 你真是个讨厌的人。

charge是什么意思: n. 费用;电荷;掌管;控告;命令,指示;指责 v. (使)充电;使承担;指责;装载;索价;向前冲;控告;把...记入帐册

charge the enemy 向敌人冲去 mileage charges 按英里程计算的运费 What is this charge for? 这项费用是什么?

responsible是什么意思: adj. 负有责任的;尽责的,负责的

the shift of responsiBility 推托责任 Allocation of responsibilities 责任分派 a responsive smile 表示回答的微笑



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